The Opening - Part 3 (Third Time's a Charm)

The Opening - Part 3 (Third Time's a Charm)

As we put the shop back together in preparation for re-opening this week I'm feeling optimistic that this time it will be for keeps.

When I started Mandala, 30 odd years ago, I felt like I was living the dream! Sure, it's been hard work and there have always been ups and downs, but NEVER did I expect to run into a roadblock like a global pandemic. I mean, seriously? How does one prepare for that? 

Over the past year and a half, I've weathered some days where I thought about throwing in the towel, but kept going out of sheer stubbornness. That and the realization that I had no good answer to the question: "what else would I do?". I feel like I've done my best but I also feel like I've spread myself extremely thin and in my eagerness to continue to do it all, I've failed at times. I've let balls drop, I've had to lay off staff (I'm so sorry wonderful Mandala Gang) and I've occasionally disappointed a customer.

Yup, it's been a very long and excruciatingly frustrating 16 months but it's starting to feel like we're turning a corner, doesn't it? I'm finally feeling a bit of optimism creep into my plans. I'm looking forward to fall and to spring 2022 with renewed, I don't know... could it be excitement? For a while it's felt like I'm just going through the motions. Keeping things going, but without much joy. That seems to be giving way to something happier. Something more colourful. I'm actually starting to look forward to seeing what comes next.

Of course, what comes next is our re-opening. Yay! (what a segue!)

In-store shopping returns Wednesday, June 16th and I'm so glad to be welcoming you all back! And...since shopping has changed a little since 2019, here are some of the new ways we're heading into an (almost?) post-pandemic shopping world.

Finally, Thank you. Thank you for sticking with us. Thank you for your steadfast support. Thank you for all your lovely messages and encouragement. And a big thank you for continuing to shop with us! They say that money makes the world go 'round. I'm not sure I believe that but it sure does keep food on the table and absolutely keeps small businesses like ours alive.

We're gonna make it after all.




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Thrilled to have you still here. Thanks for not throwing in the towel.


So glad you’ve weathered the storm!

janet macrae

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