The View from Here.

The View from Here.

Alrighty then...
We've made it through the Holidays and we've made it through 2020.
Covid-19 infection rates are still quite alarming and vaccinations have been slow to start....but they are happening.
At this point we're banged up, but we're not broken and I'm optimistic that better days are ahead.
Most years, this is the time when we retreat to our homes and hunker down to avoid the heart of Canadian winter anyway, right? This year is just like that except it's not just the winter we're avoiding.
We can do this!
I spent the morning at the studio taking stock, tidying up and making (another) new "Hours" sign for the door. Toronto is in lock-down until (at least) January 23rd so I've revamped our "OPEN" times to Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11 - 6 and Saturdays from 12 - 3. Now, when I say "OPEN", what I really mean is that I'll be in the studio. Of course, there is no in-store shopping during the lock-down but I will be present and available for Curbside Shopping (our Showcase Window will remain up for the foreseeable future) and online order pick-ups (our online shop is ALWAYS open!).
I'm also getting going on Spring (yay!)! I've received a bunch of pretty new fabrics to create some gorg spring things and I'm hopeful that by the time the good weather rolls around, things will have improved enough that we can open our doors again. If not, well, we'll figure something else out, won't we? Yes, we will.
In the meantime, we've just started our "End of Season" SALE and we'll be keeping our reduced FREE Shipping minimum to help with some of those dreaded shipping costs. There also might be a few surprises over the next few months, so make sure you're following us on all the Social Medias to stay in the loop!
You know, I might be looking forward to a slightly slower, more relaxed pace for the next little while. 2020 really took a toll on me but if there's one thing I spent a lot of time practicing over the past year, it's how to roll with the punches.
I have no idea what's coming next but whatever it is, I'm going to do my best to channel my inner Muhammed Ali and float like a butterfly. And if all goes well, once we're able to get back in the shop, sting like a bee!
Happy New Year to you all!
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1 comment

What a hopeful message and a positive attitude! Thank you, it is great to read about you and what’s coming. Keep up the good work and high spirit! You rock, Mandy!

Anne-Marie Pelletier

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