What a Year!!

What a Year!!

Another One of a Kind Show is in the books and, ladies & gents, it was a doozy!

It's been a few weeks since 'The Show' closed and I can't thank you enough for all of your support and encouragement this year. Although the year was a tough one, to see so many of you come out to visit, chat and shop at the show made my heart glow! I especially loved the 'drive by' love from former shop customers who would exclaim from the aisle 'We miss you on St. Clair!". I miss you too!! It was also a blast getting back together with the old gang from the shop. Lauren, Jessie and Catherine all came out to work in the booth and it was just like old times.

I've spent the past couple of weeks working on orders, re-organizing the studio and taking long, head clearing walks through the woods to get ready for a few whirlwind weeks of holiday happenings with friends and family. It's beautiful up here and I'm feeling good and ready for a little rest before turning my sights on spring.

That's right, Mandala Gang, it may not look like it now but Spring is just around the corner. Actually, here at the studio it's already started to arrive! I've just received the first big shipment of spring fabrics and...omg. They are scrumptious! There's still a few stragglers to come (including some brilliant new colours of jersey for our best-selling slouch tees) but I'm excited to get started! I've got so many ideas I've started sketching on random bits of paper found lying around. Being at the OOAK, surrounded by so many creators, it's impossible not to be immersed in inspiration. I'm very much looking forward to showing you what's on the horizon for Spring! But that's a story for another day.

Finally, a big Happy Holidays wish from me to you! I hope this season brings you good health, lots of laughs and a huge dollop of holiday cheer!

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