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What's up, October?!

Mandy Armstrong

Strange times here at Mandala!
The shop on St. Clair is closed and I'm not gonna lie, I've been a bit adrift since the end of summer. Don't get me wrong, I've been busy as all heck. Closing the shop, moving, setting up the new studio and trying to get as much sewing done as humanly possible in between it all sure takes a toll on a gal. But, it's been weird getting adjusted to a new way of working and a new space. I'll figure it out, I'm sure. Things feel a bit tangled up right now but I'll get my groove back.
Speaking of a new space....

There she is! The new studio!!
Still somewhat of a work in progress as I figure out how to organize and use the space best but I'll get there. I'm really looking forward to spending a ton of time in here cutting, sewing and creating. It's been a lifelong dream to live in the forest and make beautiful things and so far, the reality does not disappoint!
I haven't spent too much time in here yet, though as I squeezed in a postponed 2020 trip to the East Coast just after the move and then...stupid Covid got the best of me for a little while. But, I'm back baby and rarin' to go!

Unfortunately, fall styles will be coming a little later than usual, what with all of the life changes and upheaval (and stupid Covid), but they are on the way. Along with a new and improved website.
So, I always thought I was pretty tech savvy for an old gal, but trying to revamp a website really puts a hole in that theory. Anyway, the website refresh has been a beast and I'm still tweaking it here and there. May the kinks be few and the 'online experience' smooth but if it's not, just know that I'm doing my best, whatever that means. If you do happen to come across something wonky on the site, hit me up so I can see if I can figure it out. Or find someone else who can figure it out because I may be at the end of my tech tether.

Lastly, but not leastly....

I've been exhibiting at the OOAK for, what is it now? Almost 30 years!! SHUT UP!
Yup, my very first show was in 1992? 1993? Something like that (I've forgotten the exact year and I didn't exactly keep meticulous records back then, being in my early 20s and all). Another fun show fact...that's where I met Mr. Mandala! His brother had the booth next to mine in 2002 (20 years ago, again, SHUT UP!) and we chatted and hung out through the week. At the end of the show I gave him my phone number and the rest, as they say, is history. Lots of great memories made at the OOAK (like that time my sister went into labour visiting me at my booth - a story for another day) and still lots to come.
Hope to see you there!

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  • Melanie on

    The first year was 1992.

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